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The Preparation of the Gospel of Peace

J.M. Diener

September 2016

As I have been meditating about the armor (Eph. 6:10-18), I have spent quite a bit of time thinking about the “preparation of the Gospel of Peace” (v.15 – NASB) that we are supposed to sheathe our feet in. Assuming Paul was referencing the hobnailed caligae that the Roman legionnaire wore, we must realize that these boots were designed for a strong offence and effective defense. Once firmly placed, these boots would not slip, allowing the legionnaire to hold his ground against great odds. The grip they gave when marching forward equally allowed the soldiers to move quickly and surely without stumbling.

Consider then the Gospel of Peace: we are called to sheathe our feet with its preparation. It is first a standing firm in the Gospel, reminding ourselves of its three-fold nature (see The 3D Gospel by Jayson Georges): God has replaced our fear with power, our shame with honor and our guilt with righteousness. Then consider: how does each of these points truly affect my life? I do not need to be afraid of today, tomorrow or yesterday, because God gives me power for this day (see 2Co. 12:9-10). He is greater than anything that can attack us, and He is truly sovereign. How should that make us feel? That is what we must remember when the Enemy tries to frighten us. Then, since God gives me honor, I do not need to feel put down or upset when others talk down to me or I fail at a task I’ve set myself. God still loves me and He is my honor; it does not come from my abilities or how other see me. And lastly, I know I am forgiven, no matter what. When I fail and sin, God will still forgive me and that brings me peace.

Then as I stand in these truths which bring me a peace that passes all understanding, I am able to step forward and offer the glorious truth of the Gospel to others, being a peacemaker in a broken world. Isn’t it amazing what God offers us in just such a small verse? Truly, how beautiful are the feet of them who bring the Gospel of peace!

How to cite this document (MLA):

Diener, J.M. The Preparation of the Gospel of Peace. September 2016. Feb 18, 2023. <>.

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